Top Female Body Builders

Kim Chizevsky

Kim Chizevsky-Nicholls born April 23, 1968 is an American professional female bodybuilding champion, fitness, and figure competitor.

Iris Floyd Kyle
Iris Floyd Kyle (born August 22, 1974) is an American professional female bodybuilding champion. She currently lives in Katy, Texas.

Cory Everson
Cory Everson began to train seriously as a bodybuilder after her graduation, and made rapid progress. In the early years, she and Jeff trained at Ernie's Gym on Sherman Avenue in Madison.

Andrulla V. Blanchette
Andrulla V. Blanchette (born July 29, 1966) is a British professional female bodybuilder.

Yaxeni  Oriquen
Yaxeni was born the youngest of nine children (four brothers and four sisters). Yaxeni won four amateur contests in 1993, earning her pro card in the process. She then moved to the United States. Her most noteworthy achievement as a professional has been winning the Ms. Olympia title in 2005.

Valentina Chepiga 
Valentina won the European and World Amateur titles in 1997. She then made her professional debut at the 1998 Ms. Olympia contest, finishing in 12th place.

Juliette Bergmann
She began training to lose weight in 1981, but didn't become a bodybuilder until 1983, after attending a female bodybuilding contest where she got a very good impression of the competitors. By the end of that year she would enter her first competition, where she placed first.
